Praxis makes perfect

JavaScript Basics

“JavaScript is a language that is both easy to learn and hard to master.”

– Brendan Eich

This course is for

This course from PraxIT Learning Center focuses on teaching JavaScript, but it also provides a valuable foundation for learning the basic principles of programming in general. By mastering JavaScript, learners will gain a solid understanding of programming concepts such as variables, functions, control flow, and data types.

This understanding will then translate easily to other programming languages, such as C, Java, C#, Python, and even other JavaScript-based frameworks and libraries. In fact, learning JavaScript can be particularly helpful as a first programming language because it offers a gentle learning curve and allows learners to quickly see the results of their code.

Overall, this course offers an excellent starting point for anyone looking to learn programming or to expand their existing skills to include JavaScript. By mastering the basics of programming through JavaScript, learners will be well-equipped to tackle more advanced topics in other languages and frameworks.

Some companies that look for junior engineers with knowledge of JavaScript will hire strong and excellent students who have mastered the language.

In addition, most web, mobile, machine learning, and other companies require a strong knowledge of JavaScript and general programming principles.

The course starts by teaching essential concepts that are applicable to almost all programming languages, such as source control systems and cross-platform IDEs.

Next, the course covers foundational programming concepts like “if…else,” “for,” “while,” “do…while,” “switch,” “case,” “break,” and “continue” keywords. These concepts are common to all structured programming languages and provide a solid foundation for learning JavaScript.

The course then delves into more advanced topics such as functions, recursion, and arrays, which are important for mastering JavaScript and general programming principles. While there may be some differences between JavaScript and other languages in terms of syntax or implementation details, the core principles of these concepts are the same across all structured programming languages.

Finally, the course explores more complex topics such as object-oriented programming and advanced data structures, which are unique to JavaScript and other high-level languages. By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of JavaScript and be well-equipped to continue learning and growing their programming skills.


Intro to frontend

intro to javascript

intro to linux and shell

javascript fundamentals


best practices 1

data types 1

objects 1



Data types 2


recursion and stack

frontend domain

rest parameters and spread syntax







  • A 10% discount is applied if two or more lump sum payments are made in advance for the services.
  • A student is provided with an additional 50% discount (from the original price) for excellent performance (90%) case for the next phase.
  • A student can receive a 10% referral discount for current or the next course phase (two months) if he was admitted to the study center through one of the students of the study center or a new student was admitted through him.
  • The student has the right to receive a 10% discount as a participant in the war regardless of academic progress.
  • The student has the right to receive a 10% discount as a resident of the region, if his study progress is at least 65% (for the next phase of the course).
  • The student can use 3 (three) discounts at the same time.
  • If the student has informed late about the fact that he is a candidate for a discount, the discounts do not have retroactive effect and are not applied to the previous phases of the course.


  • No Prerequesites


  • 20 hours/week to solve homeworks
  • Plus time to overcome English/Math difficulties
  • Attend the lessons


In this course you will learn:
  • What is a source control
  • What is our process to do changes
  • How to send the changes for review
  • Basic problem-solving techniques
  • To develop algorithms through the process of top-down, stepwise refinement
  • To use the if and if…else selection statements to choose among alternative actions
  • To use the while repetition statement to execute statements in a program repeatedly
  • Counter-controlled repetition and sentinel-controlled repetition
  • To use the increment, decrement and assignment operators
  • The essentials of counter-controlled repetition
  • To use the for and do…while repetition statements to execute statements in a program repeatedly
  • To understand multiple selection using the switch selection statement
  • To use the break and continue program control statements to alter the flow of control
  • To use the logical operators to form complex conditional expressions in control statements
  • To construct programs modularly from functions
  • To use common math functions available in Math object
  • To create functions with multiple parameters
  • The mechanisms for passing information between functions and returning results
  • How the function call/return mechanism is supported by the function call stack and activation records
  • To use random number generation to implement game-playing applications
  • How the visibility of identifiers is limited to specific regions of programs
  • To write and use recursive functions, i.e., functions that call themselves
  • To use the array data structure to represent a set of related data items
  • To use arrays to store, sort and search lists and tables of values
  • To declare arrays, initialize arrays and refer to the individual elements of arrays
  • To pass arrays to functions
  • Basic searching and sorting techniques
  • To declare and manipulate multidimensional arrays


Lessons 2 and 3
D 4.11 D 4.12 D 4.13 D 4.14 D 4.15
D 4.16 D 4.17 D 4.18 D 4.19 D 4.20
D 4.21 D 4.22 D 4.23 D 4.24 D 4.25
D 4.26 D 4.27 D 4.28 D 4.29 D 4.30
D 4.31 D 4.32 D 4.33 D 4.34 D 4.35
D 4.36
Lessons 4 and 5
D 5.4 D 5.5 D 5.6 D 5.7 D 5.8
D 5.9 D 5.10 D 5.11 D 5.12 D 5.13
D 5.14 D 5.15 D 5.16 D 5.17
D 5.18
D 5.19
D 5.20
D 5.21 D 5.22 D 5.23
D 5.24 D 5.25 D 5.26 D 5.27 D 5.28
D 5.29
Lessons 6 and 7
D 6.11 D 6.12 D 6.13 D 6.14 D 6.15
D 6.16 D 6.17
D 6.18
D 6.19 D 6.20
D 6.21 D 6.22 D 6.23 D 6.24 D 6.25
D 6.26 D 6.27 D 6.28
D 6.29
D 6.30
D 6.31
D 6.32
D 6.33 D 6.34 D 6.35
D 6.36 D 6.37 D 6.38 D 6.39
D 6.40
D 6.41
D 6.42
D 6.44
D 6.45
D 6.46 D 6.47 D 6.48 D 6.49 D 6.50
D 6.51 D 6.52 D 6.53 D 6.54 D 6.55
D 6.56 D 6.57 D 6.58 D 6.59 D 6.60
Lessons 8 and 9
D 7.6 D 7.7 D 7.8 D 7.9 D 7.10
D 7.11
D 7.12
D 7.13 D 7.14 D 7.15
D 7.16 D 7.17 D 7.18 D 7.20
D 7.21 D 7.22
D 7.29
D 7.30
D 7.31
D 7.32
D 7.33
D 7.35
D 7.36 D 7.37 D 7.38 D 7.39 D 7.40
Lessons 10, 11, and 12
D 8.8 D 8.9 D 8.10 D 8.11 D 8.12
D 8.13 D 8.16 D 8.17
D 8.18
D 8.20 D 8.21 D 8.22
D 8.23
D 8.24
D 8.25 D 8.26 D 8.27
D 8.29 D 8.30 D 8.31 D 8.32
D 8.33
D 8.34 D 8.35 D 8.36 D 8.37
D 8.38 D 8.39 D 8.40
D 8.41
D 8.43 D 8.44 D 8.45 D 8.46 D 8.47

  • These are the homeworks that are very hard to solve and/or we will practice on them in ADVANCED C++ course.

Upcoming JAVASCRIPT Basics Course


The next JavaScript Basics course begins on January 28, 2023.

Hurry to join!

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