Learn by practice

your way to IT

“Programming is learned by writing programs. In this, programming is similar to other endeavors with a practical component. You cannot learn to swim, to play a musical instrument, or to drive a car just from reading a book — you must practice. Nor can you learn to program without reading and writing lots of code. “

– Bjarne Stroustrup

Upcoming Events

Open doors webinar soon. Learn what you can get, when and how. 


The next C++ Basics course begins in the end September 14th,. Hurry to join!

4 students already enrolled, 3 free spots

Tutor Artak Yenokyan

Software Development Senior Manager at Siemens EDA


The next C++ Basics course begins in the end of June. Hurry to join!


0 students already enrolled, 6 free spots


Tutor Artak Yenokyan

Software Development Senior Manager at Siemens EDA


The most important thing about our courses is the fact that our methodology is based on the practice/praxis. It is the praxis that makes perfect. It is the praxis that the experience can be passed with. It is the praxis that makes you feel ready to the next stage of your career. Without praxis one will be similar to a person who tells how to swim, how to breath under the water, how move your body, but when s/he accidentally fall into the water, sinks momentarily.

Grade system

We believe that only the hard work should be evaluated, the achievement, the amount of problems the student solved. That is why our grade system is based on these beliefs.




This is the main course of PraxIT Learning Center. Though the classes are in C++, it is very valuable for learning the basic principles of the programming in general.


In this course, we take a deeper look at classes. What are the 4 concepts of OOP: encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism.


In the course "Data Structures and Algorithms," you will learn both data structures and algorithms, gaining a complete understanding of their design, functionality, and complexity. Throughout the process, you will implement various data structures, including vector, list, stack, map, set, and many others that comply with STL standards. Additionally, you will learn and implement algorithms, getting acquainted with templates, functors, and graphs.


In-depth study of STL. Including advanced use of vectors, lists, mappings, and algorithms: Memory management. Mastering manual and automated memory management techniques, including intelligent sensors and the RAI paradigm : Design Patterns: Advanced I/O: K Learn the best I/O and file processing techniques: Code optimization methods-performance improvement:
